Russia had quite the rollercoaster ride over the weekend. In a jaw-dropping turn of events, thousands of Russian mercenaries embarked on a march towards Moscow, aiming...
Last night, rescuers finally confirmed what we suspected all along: the Titan submersible, renowned for taking sightseers to explore the Titanic wreckage, met a devastating fate...
In a stunning display of left-wing vitriol, Elie Mystal, the self-proclaimed justice correspondent for The Nation and frequent mouthpiece on MSNBC, stooped to a new low...
Do you remember the “Russian Collusion” narrative? Well, it turns out that was all fake af. (Shocking, right!??) Special Counsel John Durham testified before Congress yesterday,...
Yesterday, Hunter Biden, the crack-head son of Joe Biden, was charged with minor tax crimes and gun charges following a lengthy investigation. The deal he received...
President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, has found himself in hot water once again with the recent charges leveled against him. The laundry list of offenses includes...
The one and only Donald J. Trump just dropped some truth bombs during his interview on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” with Bret Baier. You know,...
In a revealing interview with Bret Baier, President Trump discussed his challenging relationship with the press. He expressed his desire to be less confrontational, but he...
WOW. So much for the tolerant left! During an interview on MSNBC, Democrat Stacey Plaskett, a non-voting delegate from the Virgin Islands, made a concerning statement...
Joe Biden’s mental health is clearly deteriorating, and now there are concerns about his physical well-being as well. His frequent falls on airplane steps, bike accidents,...