Joe Biden has been all over the place this week spouting off all kinds of nonsense. During his disaster townhall with CNN, he was asked about...
Showing the utmost in professionalism and decorum, the left’s sexist man alive, Dr. Anthony Fauci, told Senator Rand Paul today that he “doesn’t know what [he’s]...
Just a few short weeks ago, the CDC told America that it was safe for children to attend school without a mask if they are vaccinated....
At a recent press conference, Jen Psaki made a huge blunder. When speaking of White House efforts to encourage vaccination, the press secretary told a crowd...
With all the unrest in Cuba, Black Lives Matter felt obligated to weigh in. But as a pro-Marxist organization, condemning communism was obviously out of the...
President Joe Biden is not a fan of the election integrity laws passing all over the nation. He’s made that clear several times, even going as...
One of our fundamental rights as a free nation is to openly and freely question the integrity of our elections and our elected bodies. It is...
Over the weekend, thousands of Cubans took to the streets in rebellion against their tyrannical, communist leader. Videos of the protests show Cuban citizens shouting “Libertad”...
While the media was obsessing over lego sets and Joe Biden’s door-to-door plan for vaccine evangelism, a bigger story was brewing. It involves Russians, spies, Russian...
You may have heard that Tucker Carlson has issued a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to make public communications which he believes will show the...