Remember back in 2012… In the times before Donald Trump… When Mitt Romney was running for President… And the media was kind and we all bathed...
King of gaffes, Democrat Nominee Joe Biden, is at it again. This weekend, during a rare appearance at the U.S Conference of Mayors, Biden claimed he...
Apparently CNN’s Jim Acosta hasn’t learned the simple rule of the White House Press Conference: don’t mess with Kayleigh. He had to learn AGAIN this week...
While CNN trolls call for violence and rioting in the wake of RBG’s passing, some fake news losers are going a different route. And drinking to...
Nancy should’ve seen this coming when she illegally visited a salon this week.
After a Trump supporter was brutally murdered in Portland, Oregon, radical leftists like Mayor Tom Wheeler have attempted to shift the blame from the anarchists they’ve...
Democrat nominee Joe Biden is known for his gaffes on the campaign trail, but his recent failings have many concerned that maybe his “gaffes” are more...
Though Joe Biden has avoided the press at all costs recently, his wife is actually talking to reporters. This week, Jill Biden attempted to defend her...
There’s no doubt that Joe Biden is the GAFFE KING of the world, but a new video has many Americans wondering: what is actually wrong with...
Another promise made, promise kept: President Trump is sending troops to Chicago to end the violence that has threatened the city for nearly two months. (Or...