Elizabeth Warren is the current frontrunner of the Democrat primary and Corinne is excited for TWO reasons. Can SJWs be mad at a costume that enables...
Republican Congressman Doug Collins doesn’t hold back on the corrupt impeachment inquiry. He calls the upcoming House vote to formalize the impeachment process a “sham” to...
Republican Rep. Jim Jordan appeared on Fox News Tuesday morning to talk impeachment. “A House vote on a resolution to formalize the Trump impeachment inquiry can’t...
Apparently MSNBC is so consumed by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they are *literally* trying to dispute that a terrorist died a coward, speculating that al-Baghdadi didn’t...
CNN recently hosted a panel SPECIFICALLY discussing women in senior roles on presidential campaigns. And they forgot to invite any of the women from the Trump...
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Fox News newscaster, Tucker Carlson, confronts the policy used currently by many democratic presidential candidates: Medicare for All. The disastrous plan that imposes taxes and the...
President Trump reignited his feud with Hillary Clinton, taking aim at his 2016 rival for her recent suggestions that presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard was being groomed by...
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Senator Mitch McConnell criticizes the House Impeachment inquiry on Tuesday from the Senate floor. McConnell states, “House Democrats have wasted no time throwing fairness and precedent...