Joe Biden’s dog, Commander, has allegedly attacked several secret service members. And he’s not the first Biden family pup to commit this violence! But why can’t...
What on earth did Hillary Clinton just say? In a recent interview, she put forward a plan to place Trump supporters in reeducation camps! Is she...
Over the weekend, Attorney General Merrick Garland did his best to prove he thinks you’re an absolute idiot. In an interview, he said – WITH A...
Democrats have been supporting insane open borders policies for decades. Now their cities are paying the consequences. And liberals don’t seem too pleased about it! We’ve...
Over the weekend, Attorney General Merrick Garland did his best to prove he thinks you’re an absolute idiot. In an interview, he said – WITH A...
Is the mainstream media failing to grasp the significance of McCarthy’s resignation? It seems that the constant appeals for unity are misguided. What our nation truly...
It’s time to shed light on what’s really happening behind those hallowed halls of Congress. 🎥 Watch this eye-opening video to understand the truth about what’s...
Consultants everywhere are leaping at the chance to theorize on the problems within the Republican party, following Kevin McCarthy’s surprising ousting as Speaker. A popular take?...
There’s a lot to be said about Kevin McCarthy’s unprecedented oust but have you heard what the DeSantis team is circulating? WATCH:
After an embarrassing incident where Jamaal openly admitted he has no idea how fire alarms work… He had another embarrassing incident. Apparently, his staff circulated a...