Recently, Elon Musk told the world he would be releasing secret Twitter files on the platform’s effort to restrict free speech. Tucker Carlson perfectly explains what...
A game of Jeopardy was enough to trigger these CNN hosts over the weekend. They just couldn’t believe that Jeopardy contestants couldn’t name one of Joe...
Speaker, no more! With the recent flip of the House, Nancy Pelosi is officially retiring from House leadership. Tucker Carlson had a HILARIOUS farewell message for...
With President Trump’s announcement, the media is shifting gears from the 2022 election to the 2024 elections already. They’ve demanded a fight between the popular governor...
On Tuesday night, President Trump announced that he would be seeking the Republican nomination in 2024. Now, the media is asking whether or not that’s a...
I don’t know about y’all but I need a drink. After this midterm and the subsequent unforced party schism created by grifters and dem operatives, I...
This big announcement could be ANYTHING… we have some theories.
The media is really hyped up on a war between Ron DeSantis and President Trump, but is now really the time to start fighting? WATCH:
The mainstream media just can’t help themselves. While Republicans were winning the House and almost taking back the Senate, they were mocking the “red wave.” Watch...
Bill Clinton’s connections with Jeffrey Epstein are basically public knowledge, but the press usually avoids asking him about it. Yesterday, that changed. See what happened.