President Joe Biden is not a fan of the election integrity laws passing all over the nation. He’s made that clear several times, even going as...
Michael Avenatti was once considered the savior of America… By delusional anchors of fake news who never, ever did their research. Now, their adoring statements are...
What’s bigger than the FBI finding a FULLY ASSEMBLED lego set of the Capitol in an alleged rioter’s home? A lot of things. But specifically, this...
Earlier this week, President Trump announced he would be suing social media outlets who banned him without adequate cause in January. At the press conference, he...
Before the holiday weekend, the United States Army Twitter account posted a short video. The clip, captioned “The week is almost done! Time for some step-by-step...
This weekend the United States Olympian Gwen Berry, couldn’t handle that she took bronze in hammer throwing, so she threw a big social-justice-filled fit. And if...
On Independence Day in 2020, America was struggling. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Economic shutdowns were taking their toll on the financial and...
King of gaffes, Joe Biden, is at it again. In a press conference on Friday, the president got grumpy with reporters who were asking him about...
President Trump’s visit to the southern border on Wednesday was a complete success. He discussed Biden’s mishandling of the border crisis, the increasing radicalism of Democrats...
This weekend the United States Olympian Gwen Berry, couldn’t handle that she took bronze in hammer throwing, so she threw a big social-justice-filled fit. And if...